Places: Thunder Storms
Words: Dark, gloomy, fields, Electrical Towers, Telephone poles, Rain, Lightening, clouds, painting with light
Part 2: Visuals
Part 3: Colors
Part 4: Execution
Places: I know that i want to take pictures of power lines in a forest near my house. I also want to go to open fields where there are trees. A great day to take these pictures would be when it is cloudy out so i can play around with the clouds and if i get lucky I could take picture of lightening..but i doubt it.
Textures: I think I can take my pictures at my house because I have loads of dirt, mud, and water but I'll probably just drive around Birdsboro and just near my house. I live in the country so I think I should be able to find good thunderstorm textures..hopefully haha.
Objects: I know there is a really cool tree that looks like it was struck by lightening in Nolde Forest. There are also various other trees that I saw there that I think is pretty cool. Another idea of mine is to have a friend pose in a raincoat/rainboots and somehow work that into my pictures. Pretty much with the texture assignment I will just drive around and see what catches my eye.